I come to You my Jesus !
Autor: Eugenia Everson  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Zidire spirituala
Resursa adaugata de Eugenia84 in 26/06/2013
There was a day far in my past, they cast me out from their hearts
The taste of bitterness of my own sin was all around me that day !
Discouragement all over me, looking in these eyes so full with spite!
In these faces that where to be, my friends and even more than that, my own blood
That put me down on the ground, throwing stones like no one else
Spiting right in to my face, my heart, my life and all I had
There where saying that I was a shame, for all of them, for all my life.
That I had no chance on getting better, I had no life, that i should DIE.
We do not want you in our life, and they throwed stones right in my heart
Even the rocks where so full of venom, i really feel it, deep in my soul
What ? And you Mother? and you father? and you my lovely brother too ?
Ah ! My soul can not resist this pain !
Where to go ? Where to hide? Who would even look at me ?
Ah ! Please someone out there ! Any body? Help me please !
Looking around me, and thought, that this is it ! I am gonna die ! without even chance of life !
Remembered all the things I've done ! And how I really could be better but did not want, or did not care ! I was the one to throw a stone !
And now, I am looking around me and hardly thinking, everything is like a dream !
Hoping to wake up else somewhere ! It's just a dream , it's just a dream !
And through the black clouds, I had this vision, something far, but very clear !
This picture right into my eyes
I saw a hill, just like a desert, so very hot, just like a fire !
A Man was going up that hill, with biggest Cross I've ever seen !
He looked so much in pain, and Blood was going down His face !
He had a crown of thorns into His forehead, and He was falling on the ground
and they all laughed at Him, the whip was burning HIs broken skin
They all just watching Him, that's all, it was just for their amuzament
My eyes got even bigger now, I realized I came from there ! ! !
I came from that dark hill named Golgotha, and I was saying " He should be killed"
I hated Him as much as everybody out there, I was the one to throw that stone
My sin, and only sin, took that Man to Calvary, He was the Son of God, that Prophets told He would come, to save the world in sin that lies, they do not see the truth as well, as they see pleasure, and they entising one another, without thinking and regrets about sutch life without God, the one who gave this world a life !

And suddenly I realized I need My Lord, My Jesus Christ
That laid His life for mine on that hot Cross
Ah No ! Just look they nail down, His arms and feet On that same Cross
Just now my eyes are fully opened, JESUS ! HE LOVES ME MUCH ! HE ALWAYS DID !
I am sure, I have no doubt, I want my Jesus, My Lord , My Savior, and His Hot Cross
My soul is full of Joy , and now, I am CALLING JESUS MY SALVATION
I am getting of the ground now, please let me go, I have to go
Please do not hold me over here, my Lord my sevior needs me now !
I need to get out from this hell, right now, right now , right now !
PLease let me go, He is the Way, and Truth and Life that I was looking many nights
He is my ONLY HOPE FOR LIFE ! Well here I am, I am off the ground, and on my way to You my Lord
And if I have to eat this ground, I am still coming back to You !
And if they have to kill me even, it will not take the LOVE AWAY !
But here I am, I am almost there ! And I can feel Your Love indeed !
And here they are all telling me, that it was joke, they love me too !
But It's too late to tell me now, I know my way, He's Jesus Christ !
My Lord is calling now for me ! This is my chance ! My only chance !
I am almost there ! well here I am !
My Lord my Savior, I came to you, and after all the battles, I made it here !
And I can feel Your Presence God ! Under Your Cross I laid my soul !
And Cryed my pain my sorrow life ! To You my God, I must admit, I owe my entire life !
Under Your Cross I'll stay forever !
Forever Lord I'll be just Yours !
I am not afraid to say out loud, I really, really Love you God !
NO one in world will separate us !
NO more, No more, no more My Lord !

Here I am, With You Forever !


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